Are you feeling discontent, dissatisfaction, disgruntled, grievance, unhappy, anger or disappointment, or maybe resentment towards a person or situation? It’s ok. The Father allows us to have these feelings so we can recognize what’s in our hearts.
Life can bring on unforeseen situations that cause our hearts to faint and emotions to stir up. Here is the time of recognition. As we allow ourselves to be true to ourselves then the healing takes place. The root of those feelings stems from a place of truth.
This place of truth will lead us to the One True God who will listen to our hearts.
Talking to Jesus about our feelings is perfect place where we can let feelings flow freely.
In that secret place, yes that’s in the closet with the One who loves you! Jesus Christ came so that we could cast all our troubles on Him. Feelings are ok when we take them to God in prayer. He is the answer to every situation we face. There He will talk to us about ourselves. In truth, sometimes these feelings are us being stubborn when we can’t have our way. Selah.
Let’s be aware of how much time we spend on our feelings. If not, as time waits for no man years will pass and we can become stuck in a feeling. I encourage you today, to take all those feelings/emotions to God in prayer.
Prayer: Father thank you for being our Sovereign Lord and understanding all our ways. You created us before we were in our mother’s womb. Therefore, we know you are acquainted with all our ways. As I come to you today, I submit my heart to you. I lay my feelings before you. Help me Lord to process the road from which they came and lead to the road of everlasting wholeness in You. Thank you for sending Your spirit of truth I decree and declare you will manifest the root of my feelings and help me to release all my situations to you. Thank you for your mercy and grace this day, as I am continuing to be a new creature in You.
Thank you for redeeming me and I pray that you be glorified in my life today, in the Name of Jesus. Amen! Amen!
Psalm 139; 1 Peter 5:6–11; John 16:5-16; Isaiah 43:1-7
Elder Vanessa Hamilton