DEVO Day 2a

Eat for the Journey

by Elder Margie Snow

1 Kings 19:7 (AMP)Then the angel of the Lord came again a second time and touched him and said, “Get up, and eat, for the journey is too long for you [without adequate sustenance].” 

As we prepare for this spiritual journey don’t forget the importance of eating not just physical food but spiritual food that you may have strength for the journey

Eat the word of God. There are three steps to eating: ingesting (take in), chewing (break down) swallowing(absorb). 

Step 1 ingest: take in the Word of God. Read meditate daily. 

Step 2 chew: break down the Word of God. Study so you can receive and consume it. Step 3 swallow: absorb the Word of God. Let his Word strengthen you in your spiritual journey. Eat the word of God Daily.

Prayer: Lord let your word feed me strengthen me and sustain me that I may make this spiritual journey in full strength trusting your word each and every day.

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