Kiaros – Day 5

As We embark upon the 5th Day of our Kairos consecration, we focus our devotion on Psalm 47:2 (NIV)

“For the Lord Most High is awesome, the great King over all the earth.”

We define awesome as extremely impressive or daunting, inspiring great admiration, apprehension, or fear.  A reverential fear of our Lord who alone is King over all the earth is a healthy response to his authority and sovereignty.  We are the heirs of an awesome inheritance provided by a great King while we were yet in our sinfulness because our heavenly Father loved us so that Christ Jesus died for us.

And as we pray specifically for the month of May which symbolically is the month of prosperity and abundance in the natural world of God’s creation let us declare the same over our families, friends, and the body of Christ.  Let us decree that our May harvest would produce the spiritual prosperity of our devotion to God’s words, and God’s will we displayed in the months prior.  Let us decree and declare a harvest of abundance of souls saved, and snatched from an eternal separation from God.

Yes, the Lord Most High is awesome, and worthy to be praised, and no other can sit on the throne of grace and mercy but the only great King over all the earth, the same yesterday, today, tomorrow and forever more.




by Elder  Charles Hamilton:

Best Dad Ever

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