
Kairos – Day 8

Psalms 47:5(NKJV) – God has gone up with a shout, The Lord with the sound of a trumpet.

Welcome to Day 8 of our Kairos Consecration!  This day of our fast represents August, the 8th month of the year.  The number 8 means new beginning, and August is often associated with a new beginning for our children as they return to school from summer break.  Our scripture reference today reminds us that God has gone up with a shout! According to the Dr. David Jeremiah Study Bible NKJV, “The root word for gone up is translated as exalted.”  Let us exalt the Lord God for our children, students, and educators!

Lord God, we exalt you for our children, young adults, educators, and everyone that is a student.  We pray for safe schools and learning environments, in the name of Jesus.  We lift up our teachers who are on the front lines of the classrooms, and those educators and elected officials in position to shape our education system, and curriculum.  Father God, we ask that you help those people to have the mind of Christ, and base our curriculum throughout all places of learning, on the Word of God.  

Lord, finally, we ask Your provision for a radically saved generation.  We pray that those that don’t know you as Savior and Lord would make that decision, in the name of Jesus.  That our saved youth, young adults, and even educators would be the salt of the earth and a beacon of light in a dark world.  We love you and lift you up, Lord. Thank you for protecting our children, educators, and all those who are in our schools.  We give you all honor, glory, and praise.  

In the precious name of Jesus.  Amen and Amen!

Day 8 Devo by Min. Jason Booker

Best Dad Ever

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