Kairos – Day 7


Psalm 47:4 He shall choose our inheritance for us, the excellency of Jacob whom he loved. Selah.

The chosen of God, yes you lol, Praise God!  For those who chose Him, the first inheritance is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior.  It is in heaven where we are given our crown of glory. This inheritance is incorruptible and undefiled and faded not away.  Until that time, in life, NOW there are some inheritances we get on this earth. We read in Deuteronomy that GOD chooses and gives the land to the children of Israel.  Yes, a good land, the place of plenty where we shall not lack anything. REJOICE!

Like the children of Israel, we have been through wilderness experiences, repented, and kept moving forward obeying God.  Like David we have fought battles, some we won and some we lost.  This year 2023, our earthly inheritance was already in the plan of God, to give us the land He choose for us.  REJOICE!  When you receive the inheritance, remember God, the excellency of Jacob whom God loved.  This same love and power are in us, on us, and through us.  Don’t forget when you get the inheritance, stay humble, obey the Father, and thank Him for choosing us and giving us our inheritance. Hallelujah!

The song in my spirit is “We will sing Hallelujah until you come again” REJOICE, Amen! Amen! 

1 Peter 1:4; 1 Peter 5:4; Deuteronomy 8

 “Your Work Still Works, and You are God”

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