Kairos – Day 11 (evening)

Where do you stand – The Word Still Works

Nations are built out of effort and trust. In our nation, trust is difficult to come by and building it is a monumental task.  The bible says “Blessed is the man that maketh the Lord His Trust”.  Ps 40:4  It also says in that same verse that he does not regard lies or vanity.  These are opposite to trust and tear down relationships.  Making trust is a function of relationship and has to be nurtured carefully.  We can neither “Build Back Better”, nor “Make America Great Again ” because it was not us who built America but God.


Father revise our Nation.  We once led in all areas because we allowed you to Lead.  Our economy is failing but Your Word still works.  Unemployment is high but Your Word Still Works.  Poverty is high but Your Word Still Works.  Our increase is tied to what and Who we believe in and we believe in you.  .Blessed is the man that maketh the Lord his trust. Father, we just need to know where we stand and who we are standing with.  As for me and my house, well Lord … you know the rest.

In Jesus Name

Best Dad Ever

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