Trust the Process

It can be very exciting to receive a word, dream, or vision from the Lord concerning your life.  It can make you feel empowered, encouraged, hopeful, expectant, and/or like you are 10 feet tall. However, there is usually a time of process, and then proving that follows prior to the manifestation of the promise.  Moreover, if you are merely excited about what God has revealed, you could lose heart when he begins to shift you and bring about the necessary changes in your life for growth and development so that you, by his grace, can maintain what you hope to obtain from him. Isaiah 45:9 reads: “Shall the clay say to him who forms it, ‘What are you making?” Our God is sovereign, and there is a way of the Lord.

Last, there are times when the process of being made by God does not feel good (Joseph), taste good (Mana in the wilderness), or look good (David running for his life), but it is important to remember that God works all things together for good and His glory. In the midst of the process there may be tests from God, trials, trouble, smoke screens, distractions, and obstacles. The latter of the above are designed to cause fear, doubt, and unbelief, but don’t lose heart and don’t let go of the Promise!  Encourage yourself in the Lord, make a melody in your heart, meditate on God’s goodness, open up your mouth and say what He said about it! God is faithful and able, and if He said it, it will come to pass. You must trust the process, because the One who does the processing, has good thoughts concerning you, has plans for your life, and has given you an expected end. 

Min. Deborah Dillard

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