
Kairos – Day 2

February -Singles/Families/Restoration/ Race Relations /

For More Committed Believers — LovePsalm 46:10- God is Exalted!

Psalm 46:10, ESV: “Be still, and know that I am God. I will be exalted among the nations,   I will be exalted in the earth!

God can only be exalted, if he dwells within us. As Christians/Christ followers/Believers, it our responsibility to exalt God daily, through the way that we live. 1 Corinthian 6:19reminds us that our bodies are the temples of the Holy Spirit, a gift from God, Who operates and flows through us. Whether single or married, our lives can be living examples of righteousness and godly relationships in the world. Contrary to the world’s view, singleness is not a time of loneliness, but an opportunity of “aloneness” with God. Singles have the greatest advantage of establishing dedicated alone time with God. This uninterrupted time is essential to spiritual growth and maturity, prior to establishing relationships and families. In turn, families are to establish a time of devotion together. Parents who train up their children through Biblical instruction and times of family devotion, help to establish strong, faith-based communities. These communities become places of healing, restoration, development and discipleship.

However, we must remember that it all started with love… John 3:16 says that for “God so loved… that He gave…” Christians who worship, gather, and serve together are true examples of the hands and feet of Jesus. As we continue to speak to one another and work together in love, people will be drawn by our actions and become more committed to the cause of Christ. 

Ephesians 3:17, says “so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith; and that you, being rooted and grounded in love.” The Love of God saved us, the Love of God drawsus towards Him, and it’s the Love of God that’s able to keeps us. Through His love, relationships are strengthened, race relations are repaired, believers become more committe, and the body of Christ stands united.

Father God, thank you for operating in and through our lives daily, through the person of the Holy Spirit. We do not take this opportunity for granted and will always give You the glory for it all. In Jesus Name we pray. Amen.

Best Dad Ever

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