
DEVO Day 21

Pastor Tony McKinney Welcome to Day Twenty-One of our 21-day fast of 2023. You made it! You did it and we are so proud of you! I know the Lord is saying, I’ve seen your sacrifice in this consecration…I’ve received your fasting…I’ve received your prayers,” and I’m pleased…now watch me continue to work in and through […]

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DEVO Day 20

Your Destiny This life is but a grain of sand on eternity’s beach. Your ultimate destiny is more magnificent than you can possibly imagine. However, God wants to give you a taste of it right here in this life. He has a plan for you to accomplish. He has set you on a prearranged path

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DEVO Day 19

We Have A Lifetime Guarantee  by Elder Talesha Williams John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. Who doesn’t love to pay for something one time and receive it for the duration of your lifetime? What’s better than

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DEVO Day 18

Distractions by Takisha A. Booker During this time of fasting and consecration, it is important that we do not let the cares of this world distract us from our true focus, which is Christ. Hebrews 12:1-2 states,” Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside

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DEVO Day 17

Trust the Process by Min. Deborah Dillard It can be very exciting to receive a word, dream, or vision from the Lord concerning your life.  It can make you feel empowered, encouraged, hopeful, expectant, and/or like you are 10 feet tall. However, there is usually a time of process, and then proving that follows prior

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DEVO Day 16

Do Not Forsake the Assembly  by Elder Talesha Simpson Hebrews 10:25, Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching.  The Greek word for forsaken in the Strong’s Concordance is “egkataleipō”; meaning to abandon, desert or to leave behind.

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DEVO Day 15

“Are you holding My hand?” Elder Wayne Birdlow I remember walking with my daughter when she was younger.  I would hold her hand as we crossed streets or across parking lots. She loved to play and I loved to play with her.  In her playfulness, as we would approach the intersection, she would try to

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DEVO Day 14

What is Freedom?  The concept of freedom is one that most Americans would claim to comprehend. But after generations of living free, do we really understand what would be lost if just a piece of our freedom were taken away? Remember the days just after September 11, 2001? The airlines were shut down, and air

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DEVO Day 13

Restore Relationships Today as you continue in this fast and prayer ask the Holy Spirit to help you restore any of your relationships that you know ended in an abrupt way. You may not be angry or hold any ill feeling towards the person but maybe you feel as if they are upset with you.

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DEVO Day 12

God Works Through Families by Louisa McKinney Scriptures to Meditate on Genesis 17:7, Romans 3:23, Galatians 5:16 Whether we know it or not our families are a classroom for God’s character traits, including forgiveness, mercy, justice, grace, trust, loyalty, and love. God put us in families to teach us how to be more like Him.

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