“Are you holding my hand?”

I remember walking with my daughter when she was younger.  I would hold her hand as we crossed streets or across parking lots. She loved to play and I loved to play with her.  In her playfulness, as we would approach the intersection, she would try to pull away.  She had no idea that she was in a dangerous area.  I would ask, “Are you holding my hand?”  Out of concern for her safety, I would pull her closer and the more she tried to pull away the stronger I held on to her because her safety was more important than my love to play with her.  In these troubling times, the Father is trying to pull us closer.  Are you aware of the dangers around you? Are you holding His hand?

Father, we are holding fast to you as you know every safe spot.  Your love protects us and we know you know what’s best.  As we go through this day, help us to hold on stronger and never let you go.  You know what’s best, you are Faithful, and we are holding your hand.  

In Jesus name,


Heb 10:23

23 Let us hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering; (for he is faithful that promised

Elder Wayne Birdlow


D. Dillard says:


William Chatman Jr says:


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