What Do You have in your hands?

Exodus 4:2(a), And the Lord said unto him, What is that in thine hand?

In Exodus 4, God asked Moses what he had in his hand. Moses only saw a shepherd staff, but God used it to produce water from a rock, transformed it into a snake, and to part the Red Sea. In 2 Kings 4, the prophet Elisha asked a widow woman what she had in her house. She stated that she only had a little oil. However, after following the instructions of the man of God (asking her neighbors for jars), she was able to multiply what she had, sell it to pay off her debt, and live off of the profit. God has a wonderful habit of taking whatever a we have, and using it to benefit us and others. We need only to yield to His instructions.

I ask this question again…What do you have in your hands?

James 1:17 tells us that every gift is from God. Every person has been equipped with unique gifts, qualities, ideas, and talents that can benefit the body of Christ. Regardless of the level of skill, knowledge or ability, what we possess, is valuable to our individual and corporate success. If not, we wouldn’t have what we have or be where we are. Never allow anything to hinder your ability to bring out the best that you have to offer, and never allow comparison to stop you from progressing and fulfilling your purpose in the kingdom. What you have is vital to the kingdom and you are greatly needed!

Elder Talesha Williams

Best Dad Ever

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