Day 2

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Day 2 – SEEK

The Bible tells us in Isaiah 55:6-7

“Seek the LORD while He may be found; call upon Him while He is near. Let the wicked forsake his way an and the unrighteous man his thoughts; and let him return to the LORD, and He will have compassion on him, and to our God, for He will abundantly pardon.”

The Bible says the greatest treasure to be found is not silver or gold, but the Lord. Silver and gold, rings and other treasures, will never truly satisfy us, and they will all one day perish. But the treasure we have in God will truly meet the deepest needs of our souls, and it is eternal. But what does it really mean to “seek the Lord”? This verse tells us something about that. The Hebrew word here for “seek” is “darash”, it means to “seek”, or to read something repeatedly and study. A related word in the ancient world means to “beat a path” around something, because you are repeatedly going to it. That tells us something about what it means to “seek the Lord.” To really “seek” God means more than just going to church once or twice. It means you “beat a path” there, seeking Him. It also means that you “study” His word — not flipping open your Bible once or twice, but really “wearing a path” in it.

God’s call to revival throughout the Bible is to return to HIM personally:

— He said in Nehemiah 1:9, “Return to ME”

— He said in Isaiah 44:22, “Return to ME”

— He said in Jeremiah 4:1, “Return to ME”

— He said in Joel 2:12, “Return to ME with all your heart”!

Throughout scripture, God commands His people who are seeking Him to return to HIM, personally: not just to “church”, not just to “religion”, not just to “good habits”, but to HIM personally! Our Pastor beautifully expounded on this recently. So, when you are seeking God, make sure that what you are really seeking is HIM personally, and not other substitutes for Him. NOTICE some-thing very important. There are a couple of important phrases here:

— it says seek the Lord “while He may be found”;

— it says call upon Him “while He is near.”

In other words, it is extremely presumptuous that we can come… that we will have the will to come later… that we can just “pick” when we want to come back to God, at our “leisure.” If God is speaking to your heart today, and calling you to return to Him, and seek Him, then you need to respond now. That kind of conviction is a mark of God’s grace and working in your life, and you must never take that for granted. You can’t be sure it will continue if you continually put Him off. That’s why II Corinthians 6:2 says “NOW is the acceptable time; NOW is the day of salvation.” That’s why Hebrews 3:15 says: “Today, if you hear His voice, do not harden your heart.”

Journal Time:

What time is God impressing of me to set aside to seek HIM? __________________________________

What are the parameters of my Fast during this 21 Days Ablaze? _______________________________

Prayer: Lord we declare, we seek You and You alone…. No substitutions for you, We praise you for every tool and every resource, but God you are the SOURCE. We look unto You the Author and Finisher of our faith. We thank you that in the 21 Days we set a well worn path ablaze with your presence. We humble ourselves to pursue you as never before. We make a commitment to seek You in prayer every day, and to be more aware of your presence throughout the day. We seek You Lord, in quality and quantity of devotion. We seek you on behalf of ourselves, our families, our nation and the world. Revive us. Ignite us. Renew us. Consume us Lord.








One Comment

TK Williams says:

Amen! Shifting through prayer.

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