Day 8

Word for today … Be Vigilant

Day 8


1 Peter 5:8


Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour.



Recently I came across an article of the shocking events which led up to the destruction of the United States fleet at Pearl Harbor. On that fateful day of December 7, 1941, the Japanese attacked. We know now that that attack was due to our failure to be always vigilant. The result was the destruction of our fleet-the cause was tragic indifference. CNN just released article in August 21, 2017 stating there have already been 4 Navy warships accidents this year. A full investigation is underway but again, it looks like a failure to remain vigilant in a number of areas was the cause. “When comfort and ease and pleasure are put ahead of duty and conviction, progress is always set back” (Rev. Billy Graham).


What makes many Christians shrug our shoulders when we ought to be flexing our muscles? What makes us apathetic in a day when there are loads to lift, a world to be won, and captives to be set free? Why are so many bored, when the times demand action? Christ told us that in the last days there would be an insipid attitude toward life.

As we continually surrender to the Lord, we are not only filled with the His Spirit but are led by Him as well. We gain a keen sense of His presence in our life. The Lord energizes and gives us an urgency for His Word and for prayer. We have the wind of the Sprit to accomplish His Will.

Take note that we are on our eighth day of fasting. It is typical to feel some fatigue, stomach cramps, soreness, irritability, and even brain fog. These symptoms will pass. It is important we remain deliberate to keep up the water intake. It will help to flush the toxins that the body is releasing and help ease the symptoms faster. Allow yourself to rest as you need it.


Lastly, it is imperative we remain vigilant and spiritually focused. The best is yet to come with awesome days ahead. You’ll be glad we pushed through this time, so don’t give up!


Oh, and if you’ve, slipped, that’s normal as well, especially if fasting is new to you. Do not let it defeat you. Get back up and continue on. We still have 2 weeks to go. You can do this.


Prayer: Dear Lord, we thank you for vigilance that comes from your Spirit. We bless you for the wind of the Holy Spirit that guides, corrects, and comforts us. Just as we expect our soldiers to be vigilant and alert, so let us remember that we are your soldiers and you call us to be your hands and feet. You call us to hear your voice and respond swiftly to your commands. Help us to not fall asleep on the mission you have before us. Father, remove the apathy, that so often blinds vision. Thank you for your grace. In Jesus’ name, Amen!



Join us this morning in Corporate Prayer at 9am at Redeeming Love Family Church.
