Devo Day 16

Day 16:
How We Change the World

Scripture Reading:


We love America, but if we’re being honest, there are things about our country we wish would change. The news is filled with stories of crimes, corruption, decling economy, attacks on the family, and abuse. No matter what we believe politically, we can tell there is something wrong biblically.
We see 2 Chronicles 7:13-16 as a promise from God that if we pray He will heal our land. We should pray for our country, its people, its leaders, and the principles on which our government operates. But if we only pray, we fall into the trap by expecting God to fix our country without any commitment or action from us.  
In Matthew 28:16-20, Jesus told his followers to go and make disciples of all nations. Then, in Acts 1:8, Jesus promised to give them the power to do it: “you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”
The same Holy Spirit who empowered the disciples to start a movement lives in us. When we ask Jesus into our lives, we receive His power and His mission.
We’re called to pray and intercede for our nation. And then we’re called to put those prayers into action and work for that peace we pray for.
There’s unprecedented transformation happening in our society. We have more liberty and freedom than any society in history because of our Judeo-Christian values. If we don’t use our voices, we will lose our liberties, prosperity and freedoms; and our children/grandchildren will suffer for it.
The conversation serves as a compelling reminder for Believers to be vigilant, well informed, and active, especially in these transformational times. 
We’ve been given an opportunity and we need to maximize every stewardship. We need to be faithful in every dimension, because even as our ultimate citizenship is in a heavenly Kingdom, God, for His own reasons, for His glory, has left us in this earthly kingdom.However, we’ve got to be as much His people in the earthly kingdom as we are in the heavenly Kingdom. Amen!
Spend some time today praying over our elected officials, our business leaders, and our cultural leaders.

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