Devo Day 8

Day 8:
Serving Others While Fasting

Scripture Reading:

“Is not this the kind of fasting I have chosen: to loose the chains of injustice and untie the cords of the yoke... Is it not to share your food with the hungry and to provide the poor wanderer with shelter...”


God calls us to fast with a purpose beyond ourselves—to serve, love, and uplift those in need. When we fast, we are emptying ourselves to be filled the more with God’s love and compassion. That love should overflow into our actions toward others.
As we deny ourselves, let us also look around for opportunities to serve. The world is full of people needing hope, kindness, and support. Let our fast be a time where we step into God’s service, pouring into the lives of others, just as He continually pours into us. In this way, our fasting goes beyond a personal experience; it becomes a blessing to the world around us.

Prayer for the Day:

Father, as we fast and seek Your presence, help us not only focus on ourselves but also on those around us who are in need. Open our eyes to see where we can serve and extend Your love. Let our fasting be a time of deeper compassion, generosity, and action. Strengthen us to be Your hands and feet in this world, and may our service reflect Your heart. 
In Jesus’ name

Reflection Question:

1. Who can we serve today as an extension of the fast we’re engaging in?
2. How does fasting change our perspective on the needs of others around us?

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