VIP for VIPs: Decreeing & Declaring

Psalms 2:7-8

I will declare the decree: the LORD hath said unto me, Thou art my Son; this day have I begotten thee. Ask of me, and I shall give thee the heathen for thine inheritance, and the uttermost parts of the earth for thy possession.

In today’s message Pastor Tony & Louisa McKinney team up together with practical application to the profound issues we face today in maintaining a Christ-centered environment in our homes and sharing Christ in these end times. There is a pressure to fall in line with what the crowd is saying and doing. Just because things are said loudly & often doesn’t make them right. How we believe and what we say before our families and those we come in contact with every day are crucial to the cause of Christ and our destiny. God is calling His VIPs to be AWARE & ALERT to His doings in the earth, but also recognize the goal of the enemy that wants to take us out, keep us distracted or keep us from our full potential in Christ. This message empowers us to align with & declare what God has already decreed in His Word so that we can respond as Jesus would.

We listen through the filter of God’s Word.
We see through the filter of God’s Spirit.
We speak through the filter of God’s love.


Prayer: Dear Lord. We declare the decree: you have spoken over us in your WORD. Even as you spoke regarding your Son, Jesus, you speak to us today. We are yours. In light of your greatness, and in light of all that’s happening around us, we declare to stand on your Word. We declare we see like watchmen and are bold to speak as you give us. We are bold dear Lord to tackle the issues that desire to tackle us and our families. We will not hide or look away. For those of us that are challenged, we vow to love with the everlasting love of Christ. Thank you for showing us how win those that are far from you. We walk not trying to get the victory but from our place of victory. We declare, our families are strong, resilient, healed, protected, faithful, joyous, prosperous, influential, merciful, kind, growing, and increasing until your return. In the mighty name of Jesus. Amen & Amen!


For the full message, follow us on Periscope at RLFC1


LMM says:

Timely message & so on point for our families. So grateful gi r our Pastor & Leaders.

Stacy J. says:

As always, the word on today was awesome. Such a joy to belong to an amazing church. I pray that God continues to bless the church and its leaders 💖.

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