Join Our iChampion Congregation
iChampion is our way to reach the world with the Gospel through various digital media platforms. It is our goal to make church accessible to those that cannot make it to church physically. Our ministerial team is here to pray, interact, and help you grow in your Christian walk.

Simply complete an RLFC iCHURCH Form by clicking the links throughout the page.
Once completed you will receive an and email confirmation and a follow-up email with further instructions on NEXT STEPS to include iChurch New Member Conference where you’ll get to meet our Pastors and find out more about the church you’re connected to.
*** If you are able to attend regularly onsite, and desire to connect, please contact us to join in our onsite New Member’s Orientation Class.
The RLFC iCHAMPION Member is able to connect:
- through the Word with weekly broadcast (Website, Facebook & YouTube).
- through the prayer via our RLFC Prayer Groups or by sending in your request.
- through interaction with Facebook and YouTube. Through various Special Online Conferences throughout the year. through special product offers.

With all that is available, please note, there are certain ministries we are not able to provide due to distance. For instance, funerals, hospitals visits, weddings, etc.. For those needs we encourage you to get connected to a church in your local area.

You will receive an email confirmation with NEXT STEPS regarding your IChampion Membership Application.
If you have any questions, please feel free to call 910.484.5115 or email at rlfclovecenter@gmail.com
God Bless