Day 7

2 Peter 3:18 Keep on Growing

By Elder Toni Evans

But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To him be glory both now and forever! Amen”

Grow in grace” not in one grace only, but in all grace. Grow in that root–grace, faith. You must believe the promises of God more today than you ever have.

Allow your faith to increase in its fullness; that it might become enduring and unchanging while having the quality of faithfulness, dependability, and simplicity. We must also grow in love. 

We must ask that our love becomes more intense yet practical, having the ability to influence our every thought. We must also grow in humility.

To grow in humility is to decrease. As we decrease we actually increase in our ability to grow nearer to God in prayer and a more intimate relationship with Jesus.

Growth is something that brings life. Without growth, there will be stagnation and eventually death. There is no life where there is no growth.

 If a little child was to suddenly stop growing, there would be cause for concern. Parents would take the child to the doctor to find out why there was no growth. There would be all kinds of questions, from nutrition to physical need.

Many people stop growing once they get to adulthood. They no longer feel the need to learn or become better. Physical growth does stop at some point for everyone, but they can still keep growing mentally, spiritually and emotionally.

Believers can also stop growing. They get to a certain place in life and feel like they have achieved it.  Many feel like they are so close to God as they will ever be able to get. Others are led by the deception of the world saying they don’t need to get any closer to God.

Take a look at your whole life, every part of it. Does it look exactly like Jesus? Do you go through life each and every day never making any mistakes, always doing what God wants in every situation?

 If you cannot honestly say your life is a perfect image of Jesus, then you have room to grow. Growing in the knowledge of Jesus Christ is learning how He does things, why He does things and what He says.

 Growing in His grace is learning to trust Him to make you like Him, knowing that you will never deserve any of His blessings.

FINALLY:  May God the Holy Spirit enable you to “grow in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior.” Those that do not long to know more and more of JESUS, refuse to be blessed by Him.

To know Him is life eternal. Those who do not long to know more of Christ knows nothing of Him but for those that do, the blessings are growth is immeasurable and eternal.


