The Pathway of Revival Pt 1
By: Ren Joel Palzer
Now, what do we mean by revival? Revival technically means “life again.” You’ve had life and now life is stirred again. Revival takes place when God Almighty enters into the human condition, electrifies the church, empowers the pastors, and from that transforms society. This is the miraculous intervention of God, by the Holy Spirit. What we hunger after is our nation awakening to God in the staggering proportions of an earthquake or a giant “tsunami wave” of Divine grace sweeping inland from the coastal regions.
Beloved, only God can change people’s hearts; only God can bring about true revival.
There are specific things that you can do to prepare your heart to receive a fresh revival from God — and to see revival take place in your family, church, and community. The Old Testament prophet Hosea (10:12) contains God’s “recipe” revival. “Sow for yourselves righteousness, reap the fruit of unfailing love, and break up your unplowed [hardened] ground; for it is time to seek the Lord until he comes and showers righteousness on you,” (NIV).