Devo Day 5

Day 5:
The Kingdom Process for Purification – Your Flesh Doesn’t Have to Rule You

Scripture Reading:
"So I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh. For the flesh desires what is contrary to the Spirit, and the Spirit what is contrary to the flesh."


As we press deeper into this fast, remember that God is doing a refining work in you. We are in a process—a Kingdom process of purification, where God peels away the layers of the flesh that seek to dominate our lives, so that His Spirit can shine brighter through us.

In the Kingdom, God calls us to live in freedom, but that freedom doesn’t come from indulging our every desire. It comes from surrendering our flesh to the Spirit. Our flesh craves what is easy, what feels good in the moment, but these desires often pull us away from God’s best. The Spirit, on the other hand, leads us into the abundant life Jesus promised, a life full of purpose, power, and purity.

You may feel the tension between the desires of your flesh and the promptings of the Holy Spirit. That tension is not a sign of failure—it’s a sign that God is working. When the flesh rises up and demands control, remember that through Christ, you have been given authority over it. You don’t have to be a slave to anger, impatience, lust, or indulgence. You are empowered to choose the way of the Spirit, and in doing so, you are being purified, made holy, and set apart for God’s glorious purposes.

Today, take heart. You are in the process of becoming who God has called you to be. This fast is part of that refining fire, burning away what is temporary and impure, so that what remains is pure, powerful, and filled with the presence of God.

Prayer for the Day:

Father, we thank You for Your incredible love, shown to us through the blood of Jesus Christ. Because of His sacrifice, we are no longer slaves to the desires of our flesh. We declare that our minds are renewed, our hearts are purified, and our desires are aligned with Your perfect will. Thank You for your cleansing power and for burning away everything in us that does not reflect Your holiness and righteousness. We declare that we are walking in the Spirit and are led by You in all that we do. We surrender our thoughts, desires, and actions completely to You. We boldly declare that we are more than conquerors through Christ, victorious over every temptation and challenge. We trust Your process of purification and believe that, with each step, you are transforming us to be more like Jesus.

In His mighty name, we pray.

Reflection Questions:

What areas of your life do you feel the pull of the flesh most strongly during this fast? How can you surrender them to the Holy Spirit?
In what ways have you seen God purify your heart and desires so far in this fast? What further transformation do you believe He wants to bring?

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