Devo Day 21

Day 21:
Primed and Ready

Scripture Reading:

"If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land."


As we conclude this 21-day journey of fasting, we stand together in reverence and awe of the Lord who has brought us through, and to this point.
Be reminded that you are primed and ready for the journey ahead. The time you have spent fasting and seeking the Lord has not been in vain. You have drawn closer to Him, and your spiritual senses have been sharpened. You are now more attuned to His voice and more sensitive to His leading.
Remember, as we transition into our normal rhythms, we must be keenly aware: there will certainly be an attempt to subtly lure us away from this place of spiritual sensitivity… an attempt to desensitize us, coaxing us to return to old habits, dulling the spiritual edge we’ve gained. But you are not alone in this battle. You have the Holy Spirit as your guide and strength. Stay vigilant, stay disciplined, and stay connected to the Source of your strength.
As you move forward, consider how you will keep the practice of fasting as a regular part of your spiritual life. Whether it’s a weekly 24-hour fast or fasting the first two days of each month, make a commitment now. Put it on your calendar and treat it as a sacred appointment with God.
If you feel you have stumbled or not met your fasting goals, do not be discouraged. Building spiritual muscles takes time and perseverance. Start again, even if it’s just for a day. God honors your faithfulness and your desire to draw closer to Him.
You are primed and ready for what lies ahead. The Lord has prepared us through this fast to stand in the gap for those around us at this crucial moment for our nation, our families, and the world. Our heightened sensitivity is not just for personal growth—it is a divine calling. Walk in it! Embrace this season with confidence and faith, knowing that God is with you every step of the way.


Father, we declare that we are primed and ready to stand as watchmen on the wall for our families, our nation, and the world. We declare that the spiritual ground we have gained during this fast will not be lost. We commit to remaining vigilant in prayer and fervent in intercession.  
We pray for our nation in this pivotal season, that Your will would be done, that darkness would be pushed back, and that the church of Jesus Christ will be on mission and ready for His return.  
In the mighty name of Jesus, Amen!

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