Devo Day 2

Day 2:
Up for the Challenge, Praising God for the Breakthrough!

Scripture Focus: “But seek first His Kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.”

On this second day of our 21-day fast, we thank God for inviting us into deeper communion with Him. Fasting is not just about denying ourselves food or other comforts but about setting aside everything that keeps us from fully focusing on Him. In this time of spiritual discipline, we are called to simply BE with God, free from distractions.
Our lives are filled with plans, schedules, and personal ambitions that can often crowd out the space we need for the LORD. Today, let’s lay down our agendas. The main goal we hope to achieve during this fast, is learning more how we can rest in God’s presence and allow Him to lead.

Creating Space for God’s Presence

Jesus often withdrew to be alone with the Father, not to seek answers or guidance, but simply to be in His presence. When we do the same—when we pause, still our minds, and let go of the need TO DO—we position ourselves to hear from God more clearly. In this quiet space, God can bring peace, clarity, and breakthroughs that we couldn’t achieve on our own.
Setting aside our own agendas means surrendering and trusting God with the outcome. It’s about saying, “Lord, I trust You with my life, my plans, and my future.” As we do this, we will find ourselves refreshed, full of power, no longer striving, but abiding in His presence.

Moving Toward Breakthrough

True breakthrough happens when we allow God to take center stage in our lives. Let today be a day of intentional surrender. Let’s focus not on the things WE want to accomplish, but on being still and allowing God to reveal Himself.

Prayer for the Day:

Heavenly Father, we come before You today, setting aside our distractions. Help us to quiet the noise in our hearts and minds so we can simply rest in Your presence. Teach us to surrender control and trust You with every area of our lives. We thank You for the breakthroughs that come when we seek You first. Bless our Brothers and Sisters that are joining the fast & all who will participate in this great call.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Reflection Questions:

  1. What is one distraction you can set aside today to focus more on God?
  2. How can you spend time with God today without seeking an answer, but simply enjoying His presence?

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