Devo Day 1

Starting with Purpose

Scripture: Isaiah 58:6-7 (NIV)
“Is not this the kind of fasting I have chosen: to loose the chains of injustice and untie the cords of the yoke, to set the oppressed free and break every yoke?”

Today is the start of something powerful. You’re not just skipping meals or giving up certain comforts—you’re stepping into a season where God can do something new in your life. Fasting is about more than just going without; it’s about making room for God to move in ways we might have never imagined.

Use this first day to really set your intentions. What do you want to see happen during this fast? Where do you need God’s help the most? Open your heart and trust that this journey will be worth every sacrifice. Today, we start with expectancy. God is already at work! Let’s lean into this moment, knowing He’s got something incredible in store.

We praise God for the breakthroughs we haven’t seen yet but know are coming. Let’s praise Him for giving us the strength to make it through, for using this time to sharpen our focus on Him, and for the miracles He’s going to release.

Stay focused, stay faithful, and keep praising! God is with us, and He will not fail. Breakthrough is on the way!

Best Dad Ever

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