longing for the lord

Day 20

Word for today … What Do You Long For?

Day 20


Psalm 119:40


“Behold, I long for Your precepts; Revive me through Your righteousness.”



How many times have we longed for something… longed to see a loved one, for a sickness to be healed, longed for a trial to be over, longed for someone we know to accept Christ?


Prayer: In Psalm 119, David is sharing his heart about longing for God’s precepts and His ways. This lines up with God’s description of David being a “man after My own heart.” David is also longing for personal revival knowing full well it comes through God’s righteousness, not his own. What a perfect foretelling of Christ and the revival available through His death, resurrection, and the washing clean of all our sins! John Piper talked about “longing for Christ”:

“When I pray for revival I pray first for the most radical thing; The utter devotion and allegiance of your hearts to Christ. That you would love Him so deeply and long for Him so passionately that His coming would be your great hope, and death would be gain, and life would be for Christ and His Kingdom.”


John Piper. That’s our prayer today as well. Be encouraged and pursue a longing for Christ!

