Day 19

Word for today … Wisdom for Parents

Day 19


Joshua 24:15


“As for me and my household, we will serve the Lord.”



Sometimes, parents worry and lose sleep over raising children and what that really means and looks like at different stages of life. We want them to love God and cultivate a taste for what is good… for what’s bigger than themselves. But here’s the thing we must grasp. We do more to direct their appetites by setting a banquet (of example) of what is true and worthy before them, than by force feeding. Believe it or not, parents we are not in the business of changing our children, but training our children. We merely do the work of inspiring wonder by beholding what and who is worthy ourselves. We correct in love and discipline with patience and compassion.


We live in a culture that’s quick and easy, materialistic and mechanical and it has made many impatient and sometimes lazy. Sometimes God gives us to steward that which, or those who cause unexpected uses of our strengths or unwanted spotlight on our weaknesses. And sometimes He causes tender shoots to grow up where we think there’s only hard soil. He’s full of surprises like that, so don’t lose heart. We so easily slump our shoulders when we feel inadequate as parents or in other areas of weaknesses. Those very weaknesses should mold us into what we couldn’t become without the Lord. We need to need Christ, before we can be transformed by Him, and before we can help others see transformation. Keep investing where no one’s applauding, when nothing seems productive, when parenting is grueling and beyond what you can manage. Sons and daughters, men and women are formed day by day, little by little; shaped by everyday conversations and choices that seem insignificant. Who they are becoming has everything to do with Gods faithfulness in all of us & little to do with how perfect we are. If children are still within your house, we encourage you to create time to pray as a family beyond grace at meals. It is a vital discipline. Building the habit of worshiping together is critical to becoming the people and the family God desires for us to become. The investment is not in vain. We’re not telling you what to do but encouraging you to never, ever give up.


Prayer: Father, we submit ourselves to you. We realize that you are the ultimate parent and that we need your help. We partner with you and thank you that you give us all things pertaining to life and godliness. Therefore, we thank you for wisdom, discernment, revelation, and guidance as we raise the children you have go graciously given us. Father, we need your strength and patience, along with a generous portion of your love flowing through us every day. Teach us how to love them the way you love us. Where we need to be healed, delivered, changed, matured, or made whole, we invite you to do that in us. We praise you that you help us walk in righteousness and integrity. We bless you for the Holy Spirit who, teaches us your ways and thank you for enabling us to obey your commandments and do what is pleasing in your sight. May your presence be evident in us as we walk as godly role models. We ask for ways to communicate and the skills needed to teach and nurture our precious gifts. Make us the parents you desire us to be. Show us how to pray and truly intercede for the life of our children. You’ve given them to us and we dedicate them back to you. We speak only good over them. Thank you for covering their life in you and helping them to realize the destiny you have set before them. We honor you Lord for this and so much more. In Jesus name, Amen.

