Day 17

Word for today

Day 17


By Charles Hamilton III, RLFC Youth Pastor


1 Thessalians 5:11


“Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.”



If you tell me that you are so self-confident that you don’t need others encouragement, I would tell you that you live a fool’s life. This world leads us to believe we can achieve all things if we simply believe in ourselves, dependent on no one. And then there are those who liken God to a genie in the bottle, who will grant them three wishes and when He doesn’t, they consider him useless and fall away to the world’s standard of achievement. The Bible warns us, “what does it prophet a man to gain the world but loose his/her soul” (Mark 8:36). We all need encouragement, especially Biblical encouragement. Encouragement of the Lord makes it easier to love as Jesus loved (John 13:34-35). It gives you hope (Rom 15:4). Encouragement of the Lord nurtures patience and kindness (1 Corin 13:4-7). Biblical encouragement helps us though times of discipline and testing (Heb 12:5). Without encouragement, we become cynical and life seems pointless or burdensome. Encouragement from the Bible give us the will to carry on. It gives us a glimpse of the bigger picture. Proverb 16:24 sums it well, “Pleasant words are honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones.” Who have you encouraged in the Word of the Lord lately?


Prayer: Dear Lord, thank you for your gift of salvation. Today we come before you with gratitude in our hearts for the mercy and grace you show us each day. Thank You for the patience, understanding, strength and wisdom that you have already provided. May it be manifested within us and transferred to our loved ones, colleagues, and those we interact with on a daily basis. We pray that when we cross paths with others, our dealings will be filled with peace, joy, and motivated with the love and grace you lavish on us. Lord, we realize that “life and death are in the power of the tongue.” Let our words bring life; and when we don’t know what to say, let our presence bring light to the atmosphere. We rely on your Word inside of us to be continuous encouragement and building blocks for blessing others. We trust also that these words will lift, inspire and reassure others as we advance your Kingdom. It’s all for your glory. In Jesus Name, Amen.

