
Mark you calendars and join us April 25th for our 13th Church Anniversary Celebration!

The Year Of


2021 is designated the year of perfect alignment & we are so blessed we get to celebrate all that God has done in aligning us these 13 years. We are extremely grateful for every part of ministry and especially humbled to have such a great Pastor and 1st Family.

It is our joy to honor the angel of this house, Pastor RT McKinney Jr. The Pastoral Seed Offering Contributions will be received from now through April 25th. See the special offering envelopes or mark Pastoral Seed in the memo if you are giving online. As always, there is no Stress, Struggle or Strain. Whatever the Lord has laid on your heart we will put it all together and present to our Man of God. Amen!

Our dynamic Guest Speaker & Psalmist for this Anniversary celebration is Bishop Dwight Elijah. Get ready to be blessed.

Lastly, we will have our Video Shout Outs that begin with the phrase, I love my church because….. Record a 30 second clip with your device in landscape position and email them to RLFCLOVECENTER@GMAIL.COM

Deadline for Shout Outs is April 11th.

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our pastors