21 Days Prayer and Fasting

The Word Still Works

Blessings Redeeming Love Family, Friends, Guest, and all who are joining us in the sacred time of fasting and prayer:

Every October for the past decade, God has called this faithful church body, to a set time of corporate prayer and fasting. This call is a solemn assembly as recorded on many occasions throughout the Bible. Fasting was designed by God for the believer to afflict the soul (the mind, will, and emotions) to bring the flesh into submission by refusing the natural intake of pleasurable foods and beverages. Fasting was designed to break the normal flow of everyday life, in order to focus on the Lord and align our heart to hear more definitively from Him. The power of His presence provides all we need to handle any situation. It propels us into His will and His way.

Greater than any of the previous years, this year, we press more into (what I call) the “King Jehoshaphat Effect” found in 2 Chronicles 20:3. The Bible says, “Jehoshaphat feared and set himself to seek the Lord and proclaimed a fast throughout all Judah. Verse four says, “and Judah gathered themselves together, to ask help of the Lord.” This is such a powerful portion of scripture because, when the people were surrounded on all sides by the enemy, they did not give up. They turned their plates over and called on the God of heaven to help them.

In this season of prayer and fasting, we too must realize that the enemy attempts to surround the Body of Christ (the church) and inherently, the families, and individuals with deep deception, depravity, depression, and darkness. He moves divisively in the world through “social issues” that are really “moral issues” according to the Word of God. Let’s assemble as one, knowing that “The Word Still Works” (Psalm 46:10-12). Our God has no rivals… He has no equals!

We rise up with our whole hearts lifted before the Lord, seeking Him for help and guidance in this all-out assault against the Body of Christ and His creation. As we are strengthened individually, the Lord blesses us collectively. As we operate from our place of victory, God is pleased because His Kingdom is advanced.

This is our time once again to push back the forces of darkness, causing the light, love, and life of God to spring forth. In Isaiah 58:6, the Lord declares through the prophet, “…is not this the fast that I have chosen: to lose the bands of wickedness, to undo heavy burdens, to let the oppressed go free, that you break every yoke? Verses eight and nine speak of the Lord’s sovereign help and to the reward of obedience. Verse eight declares, “then shall thy light break forth as the morning and thy health spring forth speedily: and thy righteousness shall go before thee, the glory of the Lord shall be thy rereward.” Verse nine announces, “Then shall thou call and the Lord will answer. Thou shalt cry and He shall say, “Here I am!”

Therefore, as we answer the call of God to fast and pray, and as we

engage with our whole heart, the Lord promises to hear our prayers and heal our land (to include our homes, and our hearts) by showing up and showing out… doing only what He can and will to do. Amen!

In His Redeeming Love,

Pastor Tony & Louisa McKinney