Vision For Our Nation during this Critical Election Year.
(Yes, we are going there. We must address this vital & sensitive topic by speaking the truth in love.)
How can we be more Christlike (in word and deed ) during the 2020 U.S. election? We know somethings for sure: We’re called to love others (John 15:12). We’re called to pray for our leaders (1 Timothy 2:1-2). And we’re called to live in unity (Ephesians 4:3).
Voting is very important but even more important is our attitude in this voting season.
Our vision & prayer is that the people of God would:
-Simply hear the Lord & do what He says. Consult His Word / The Holy Bible to vote His values.
-Extend grace to each other for these liberties & show respect. Honor God by honoring each person’s right vote & choose as they see fit.
-Resolve that the Will of the Lord will be done & we accept His way. The Word says He puts one up & brings another down (Psalm 75:7). No matter what, God will see us through. He is the one and only matchless King who we give our allegiance to.
-Resolve to pray earnestly for all candidates.
-Pray for those that would use this as an opportunity for violence and further division.
-Pray that this Nation will turn to God.
-Pray for the manifestation of peace, love & the increase of God to prevail over the nation the people.