21 Days Ablaze – Day 8

In the Gap

Vision for My Life

Hab 2:2-3 “And the LORD answered me, and said, Write the vision, and make it plain upon tables, that he may run that readeth it. For the vision is yet for an appointed time, but at the end it shall speak, and not lie: though it tarry, wait for it; because it will surely come, it will not tarry.”

As if it wasn’t enough the Lord God himself tells us to not only have a vision but to write it down. If we need further encouragement, the experts and life success stories support that with a vision in mind, you are more likely to succeed far beyond what you could otherwise achieve without a clear vision. Think of crafting your life vision as mapping a path to your dreams and destiny. With God, life satisfaction and personal joy are absolutely within reach. The harsh reality is that if you do not develop your own vision (with God), you will allow other people and circumstances to direct the course of your life.

The best counsel we can give regarding God-given vision is that it is birthed and cultivated in the presence of the Lord. Meaning that as you ask, seek & knock, the Lord will begin to unveil your purpose and destiny as you live for Him. It will resonate with your values and ideals and will generate energy and enthusiasm to help strengthen your commitment to explore the possibilities of your life.

So, what is your purpose in this world? What dreams has God given you? What visions do you desire to achieve? Writing the vision, dreams, and goals of your life is not only an encouragement to you, but an act of faith. Whatever lists that you can create to help organize your vision and goals, create it. They are the act of faith that will propel you forward.

The next part of this verse states “…that he may run who reads it…” Many of us know the scripture In James 2:20 that says, “faith without works is dead.”  In other words, you can’t just write the vision and forget about it. Keep it before your eyes. Meditate on it. Speak it out loud. Then do what you’ve planned. Run with it and guess what, the Lord will give you people for your life to help you run… Praise God!

Verse 3 says, “wait for It! This is probably the most frustrating part of the vision process. We can write and we can work, but ultimately, we always must wait. Tarrying is an old school term for waiting and in English, we typically define it as a passive act. However, it is actually an authoritative act. In short, we are empowered to do what we must until the God-given visions come to past. Take heart, God is always working in the waiting & He desires His vision to come to pass even more so that we do.  Hallelujah! We exist for His Glory!


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