In the Gap
Love For Enemies
Today’s prayer assignment is our easiest, Right? Wrong! Jesus teaches life lessons on prayer from His ministry in the Sermon on the Mount. It was so important to Jesus to pray for our enemies that it was one of His first sermons out the gate. The world that we live in today has so much hate and animosity. Jesus, in Matthew chapter 5, drew a clear contrast in what the Kingdom of this world looks like and what His people ought to look like. In fact, He called us the “light of the world.” We are lights that shine in contrast to the darkness all around us.
Then, He said that one of the ways that we shine the brightest is when we love our enemies. This heavenly mandate runs counter to our very nature, but thanks be to God who gives us HIS nature. And with the nature of Christ, we can do all things. God is always after more than what appears. When we choose to love our enemies and pray for them, we find that we become more and more like our heavenly Father. As each of us take hold of this concept, we bring the very peace and presence of God into our life and to the world. Hostility is contagious but so are love and forgiveness. Those are contagions we all need.
Hallelujah! So, lets determine to pray and speak well over those who treat us wrong and watch God turn it out for our good. Glory to God.
Matthew 5:44-45 “But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you; that you may be sons of your Father in heaven.”