21 Days Ablaze – Day 4

In the Gap

Love for Community


Today our prayer focus is standing in the Gap for Love of Community.

1 Peter 3:8 Christ suffered for our sins once for all time. He never sinned, but he died for sinners to bring you safely home to God. He suffered physical death, but he was raised to life in the Spirit.”


The word community is made up of several words: common, union, unity. This is so powerful as it relates to prayer. It speaks to the heart of the Father for all humanity. That is for us to walk in the love of unity as only Jesus Christ can provide. Psalms 133:1-3. Whether you are loving on orphans in a devastated city, bringing soup to a sick neighbor, or kneeling in your prayer closet, you make a difference for the Kingdom of God. So today we pray with one mind having compassion and loving as God loves those in our communities.


Prayer of Protection for our Community

Thank you, Heavenly Father, for where you have placed me at this time. Where I live is no accident. This neighborhood is my mission field, and I declare these streets are covered by the blood of Jesus. Satan has no power here.  Neighbor will embrace neighbor. The strong will stand for the weak. The young will respect the old. The capable will assist the unable. These homes will be safe havens of friendship, kindness, and compassion. Lives here will be changed in the name of Jesus. Amen!

Prayer to Come Together to Overcome
Dear Lord, we pray that unity may prevail in our communities. Help us to be instruments of Your peace. Help us in the city to come together to resolve the issues that affect us all. Help us cooperate well in overcoming health issues and prejudice. May we each bring our experiences and our expertise to the table and work out solutions together. Help us to listen well, to empathize, and brainstorm the best path for our city. Amen.

Prayer for the Children of Our Community
Loving God, we lift our children up to You. The children in our city have gone through so much disruption in their lives. Many of them have suffered significant losses. Show us how to best minister to them – to provide their basic needs as well as keep them safe and give them hope. Help their parents to support them well and not be overwhelmed with all the challenges our community is going through. Bless our children. Amen.