21 Days Ablaze – Day 1

In the Gap for Love …

Love God Greatly by Loving Others


1 John 4:16 We have come to know and have believed the love which God has for us. God is love, and the one who abides in love abides in God, and God abides in him. (NASB)

We have the capacity to love well, to love deeply, to love sacrificially because that is how God loves us: completely.

Don’t focus on what you see on television, Netflix, or even the news you read from media. Learn to guard your heart and your mind. Filter what you are seeing, hearing, and feeling with God’s Word. Satan is the master deceiver and his aim is delusion & destruction. He will try to cause disunity, division, fear, and hatred, but you know his tactics. Stand strong against his attacks and be wise to his ways.

Don’t get caught up in the wave and don’t allow your mind and heart to be easily swayed. Choose instead to love well. You be the bridge of love that connects people of different backgrounds, ethnicities, and languages. You be the one who reaches out because God has reached out to you. You can do this because God has already done it for you.

If you do not feel like you can love others the way God is calling you to? You’re absolutely right, you can’t. You must draw your love and strength from God. This is only an impossible task if you do not reside in God’s love.

Love without expecting anything in return. Love extravagantly. Love fully.

Love because God first loved you.

Jesus answered him, “Love[ the Lord your God with every passion of your heart, with all the energy of your being, and with every thought that is within you.” Matthew 22:37 (TPT)