You do not need to be a member of Redeeming Love Family Church to dedicate your child. However, you should be a part of a bible believing church. In dedication, you are stating that you are willing to partner with God and the Church to raise your child in cooperation with God’s intentions. As your church family, we are here to partner with you as the body of Christ and support you as a family unit.
Dedication is not a baptism. Baptism is for those who have made a personal decision to trust Jesus alone for their salvation, once they have the maturity and ability to understand what that means.
Baby Dedications are viewed as a confirmation between the parents and the church to raise the child in a Godly way until the child is old enough to make his/her decision in accepting Christ as their personal Savior. The dedication of children is taught in the Bible. As a baby, Jesus was dedicated by his parents. Jesus also bestowed blessings on the children (Mark 10:16).
For infants or children that have not come of age to understand, we encourage a dedication ceremony, where parents formally call upon God’s blessing for their child and publicly commit to raise him or her in accordance with Scripture.
As a church, we want to celebrate the life of your child alongside you and your family. Baby dedications in our church are a way we can take time and pray as a church family and agree together with you and your family to raise your child together under the guiding of the Word of God and the Holy Spirit. We believe in the next generation and in the future of your child’s journey to discover their own relationship with Jesus.
The Bible says that it is an act of obedience by parents to offer their baby to the Lord (Mark 10:13). It is a public declaration of their intention as parents to lay a foundation of Godly principles, with an intention to raise their child with Christian values (Deut 6:5-7) and to guide and educate their child in accordance with God’s work (Eph 6:14).
Dedications are usually scheduled quarterly at RLFC. Please contact us for the next Child Dedication Date or register below.
Because parents are the key role models for their children, we ask that they commit to the following before dedicating their child:
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